Hi everybody!
Just for the German fans of Monty, he will be coming to Germany this November!
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Monty in Germany 2012

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Hi Jasmin,
Wemet at Monty's special training 2011.Hope you are well !
Aachen is not too far away for us - to be considered !
We are going to Hamburg on Saturday to catch a ship on Sunday for holidays -:)
take care,
Patricia Mortelmans
Hi patricia!
Yes, I remember! How are you and your daughter? So you are going to Aachen? I am going to Salzhausen.
Then welcome to Hamburg! This Saturday? Wow! That's cool!
I have just arrived home from holiday in Sweden. There I have been able to work with the horses of a Swedish show jumper and well know horsetrainer. He was amazed about Monty's methods. It was the first time for me working in front of a small audience (first time 12 people, second time 8 people). Before that I have only been working in front of horse owners with their horses. The first day I got a horse that is only used for the riding school there and did some Dually work. The second time I got a show jumping horse and champion and did Join-Up. It is amazing how people react after meeting me only three times. WOW!
That's so exciting to be able to work with a horse in front of an audience, what a great experience! Especially to get such positive feedback and from a well known trainer, even better.
thank you!
He invited me to visit him again and work with other horses there, when ever I am around there. (I am spending two weeks in Sweden every year, mostly in different villages). And I invited him to visit me here in Germany, as he breeds Holsteiner.
Would it be possible to organize a special training with Monty for the European "Freaks" of the Equus Online University?
Hi Rudi!
What a great idea!!! I would go there, for sure! Maybe something we could ask Monty over Askmonty?
Here is the answer of the organizers, in German, there could be a possibility for a special clinic.:
Hallo Herr Leuthardt,
Danke für Ihre Nachricht. Wir sind gerade dabei unser Kursangebot aufzubauen, um den deutschen Markt bedienen zu können.
Dabei suchen wir auch nach Ställen, die sich als Austragungsorte für Kurse eignen. Wie ich sehe, sind Sie aus der Schweiz. Sollte ausreichend Interesse an einer Teilnahme bestehen und sollte ein geeigneter Ort zur Verfügung stehen, könnte man sicher über einen speziellen Kurs für Studenten der Online Uni nachdenken.
Liebe Grüße
Katrin Junker
Katrin Junker
Monty Roberts Certified Instructor
That is fantastic! How can we from the Uni show them that have enough people who are interested?
Dear all
Who would be interested in a special clinic during Monty's visit in Germany?
I would be interested, but I think I could not pay it.
thank you so much for this great idea! I am so interested in this extraordinary special clinic, but the problem could be that I could not pay it. Did you already get any information on how much money it should cost and where it would take place?
Hi Rudi,
What a wonderful idea!
I would love to attend, not sure I'll be able to make it, since I will have surgery by the end of September. Please count me in, but keep in mind that I might have to decide it's too early for me to travel.
I might be attending as a volunteer again, which I did in 2010 at Marbach and it was so good!
Anyone interested in volunteering, get in touch with the team (www.MRLC.de).
Kind regards,
Hi Miriam,
what is meant by beeing a volunteer?
Love Jasmin
Wooohoooooo, guys! Please note:
When it comes to arranging a special training for Uni subscribers, there is NO option to let it take place during tour time!!! Most of the German Instructors will be on the road and we have to travel in between the demos.
We are definitely happy to arrange a course for you guys, Rudi has already suggested some stables to me. Course dates can be found here by the way:
Katrin xx
Hi Katrin,
do I understand you right? The course won't takee place while Monty is in Germany? But is it a course WITH Monty then or not?.
You can also contact me over renjaho@aol.com
Best whishes from Hamburg, Germany
Hi Jasmin,
Before, during the break and after the demo volunteers are needed to sell merchandise, hand out flyers, help build up and other jobs. What I found very interesting was answering personal questions about the Duallyhalters during breaktime. People want to purchase what they have seen working with, but need to be sure they understand and buy the right size etc.
Books, DVDs, longlines, bits, it sometimes needs an explanation for people to decide to buy them.
Mostly volunteers come from the places where the demo is, though some do travel on their own expense along with the tour. It's a great opportunity to see Monty at work, be present when he selects horses for the night, I enjoyed every minute of it.
Something for you?
Hi Miriam,
Thank you for the explanation. Yes, it is really something for me. I have just contacted the team to become a volunteer for Salzhausen. Again thank you so much for the idea!
Dear Miriam
Thank you for your proposal. It seems that there are not enough of us who can find the time and the money to do a clinic in Europe.
Dear Rudi
That's really a pity, that there are not many people who want to take part. It would be really special to do this in Germany!
Well Rudi and Jasmin,
this time it might not work out, but the idea was born and who knows it will work some other time! The german-speaking Instructors just organized themselves and have this new website, so let's keep in touch with them....
Look forward to it!
You are so right in what you are saying!