Hi all,
Just thought I would share my experiences as a helper at the above UK demos. They were, obviously, fantastic although it was really hard work..unloading the vans, setting out around 1000 chairs, erecting the round pen etc, etc. But it was a great learning experience. Monty and Kelly gave a pre-demo talk in the round pen, which gave Monty an opportunity to thanks us as he would probably not get the time after the demo. We all had a 'helpers' photo taken, and if Monty is reading this...I am one of the 'two blondes' as you nicknamed my friend and I in the picture before the Myerscough demo. At Rodbaston demo, Monty was given a cow phobic horse! And managed to get a cow to come into the arena. Within around 10/15 minutes, the horse's heart rate had fallen to around normal, and actually rose again when the cow was taken out. This horse had really faced his demons and won! At the Myerscough demo, Monty again was given another weird challenge - a Donkey phobic horse. Once again, the horse's heartbeat was back to normal within minutes as, once again, Monty had helped this horse face it's demons. He also took the time to chat with me about my forthcoming horse psychology project, bless him.
Well that's all for now. Will post again and hope to make lots of cyber friends.
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Where in the Wide World is Monty
Rodbaston and Myerscough demos

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Sounds like you had a really good time. I attended the demo at hartpury and wondered why I hadn't gone to one before, I've really been inspired to learn more!
i went to that one too! it was the best day of my life so far, i loved monty's western ridding it really inspired me and i want to learn how to western ride too!
I went to the Towerlands one is Essex, for the second time now, it was really fab, and Monty and Kelly riding was the icing on the cake, I really loved it and felt so inspired. I hope Monty comes again but not so sure now with this online uni.
I helped at Rodbaston and Myerscough and in the evening at Your Horse Live. I found Kelly and Monty's riding was inspirational and loved the session training Joey the War Horse to do the Trec obstacles. I put some pictures on IHDG.
i also helped at the rodbaston and your horse live demos. hard work but always a valuable experience. i think its like being part of a big family of like-minded people.hi to everyone who was at those 2 demos x
I saw Monty at Gloucester college (Hartpury) - I really enjoyed seeing him ride & demonstrate some of the Western moves. We are all used to seeing Monty ground handling that we forget he is a world class rider as well !
How do you go about getting involved as a helper at the demonstrations in the UK?
I was at the Myercough demo too! The "donkey phobic horse", a lovely huge grey, was just fantastic. Monty 1st put the horse through the join up proceedure then demonstrated to the audience how affraid he was of donkeys by bringing 1 into the arena! The horse was really not a happy chappy! But within a few mins of being schooled by Monty using a dually halter, he was begining to conquer his fear. Monty showed the audience that when the horse faced his fear, his heart rate actually dropped & when he was turned away from the donkey, so he wasn`t facing his deamon, his hear rate shot up. Buy the end of the 20-25 min demo the horse was so comfortable around the donkey his heart rate returned to normal & he even touched noses with her! I never tire of watching Monty in action, it`s fantastic to watch & learn from the master in action.
If you haven`t been to a live demo yet - I would highly recommend it. It`ll be worth every penny!
i went to south view equestrian center it was fantastic, love to go again .
Kelly here - many thanks to demo helpers - we couldn't manage without you! Do just contact us through www.intelligenthorsemanship.co.uk if you'd like to help at a demo - we'd love to have you!
Wow you lucky thing!I want to go!Will Monty ever come to Ireland?
He is in Germany, Switzerland and Austria right now, I saw his show at the Marbacher Gestuet. It was fantastic and I had the chance talking to him! He recommended me to sign up here and I did, because I want to be closer to his Methods, want to learn it and I want to be a part of it. I hope so much that I will meet him some day again. I guess I will make courses at sensehorse in Switzerland at Monty Roberts Learning Center. I also talked to Heidrun Weiss, the MR-Instructor of Switzerland.
I went to the Myerscough afternoon performance with 7 friends and it was great. I have seen Monty 4 times now but each time it is always an interesting and informative demo and it always confirms my belief in treating animals and people with respect and not violence. I love the way Monty gives the horse choices.
Another tour, is it winter already?
Fortunately, this year we had warm dry weather. Monty rode Copy and the horses taught us lots of new things. Kinza's owner must get this year's prize for determination. She rode three and a half hours to get Kinza to the demo - yes you guessed right, she was a none loader - but then it took her two hours to get her to go into the Myerscough stable! Fortunately it only took Monty half an hour to persuade her to go in a lorry! Looking forward to February now - see you all again.