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Horse Behavior and Training

Aggression and pain- now proved

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There has finally been a scientific study (in France) where they looked into the connection between aggression in horses and pain.
The study involved 59 horses at riding schools, working 4-12 hrs/week. A licenses and experienced chiropractor checked the horses for pain reactions in their spines.
The research team then did a series of behavioral tests where different persons approached the horses in different ways and they measured the reaction.
A clear connection was proven as only 2 of the 43 horses with severe pain reactions showed positive interest in the test persons, compared to more than half of the ones with no problems.
I don't have the paper (this is a shortened and rough translation from a Swedish article about it) but here's the reference:
Fureix, C., Menguy, H. & Hausberger, M. 2010. Partners with Bad Temper: Reject or Cure? A Study of Chronic Pain and Aggression in Horses. PLoS ONE 5(8): e12434. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0012434
Maybe someone can find the abstract.

May - Holland
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed

Hi Kicki,

Thank you for this.
I just looked it up and it is unbeleivable how much information I can find.

We probably all received our email from Monty and could read about the: Science validates Monty Roberts' methods.

I just copied from the e-mail; 'A comparison between the Monty Roberts technique and a conventional UK technique for initial training of riding horses' and Googled.
I found a lot of information about this Scientificaly proven results.
I am so glad with all the good news.
Hopefully we can talk now to the people who are not sure or sceptical about Monty's method and give more horses a much better life.
Kind regards,

Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed 300 lessons completed

I read that too May. It was great to see proff of what Monty has been saying all along.
Hurray for the persistence of a good guy.