Im helping a friend with join up and we are doing really well . The horse is so resposive to all of the encouraging cues but as soon as you put any pressure on him he bucks, i know my human terms see this as a negative and think of being on him at the time and not a responce i would want, but what does this responce doing join up mean,....?..... he is really trying and gives all the 5 keys like ear, chewing, lowing head and smaller circles ect but put that bit mlre pressure on him and he will buck like crazy, almost like an attitude but i think maybe thats my human answer.
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Horse Behavior and Training
Bucking in join up

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Hi lyn.grech,
You didn't mention the horse's age and state of domestication.
What you might consider, when you do a Join-up next time, is that you are preparing the horse for his first rider, so as soon as he bucks, send him forward!
The fact that he expresses himself so clearly could be seen as a positive sign.
You describe a slightly bigger amount of pressure, read your horse and see if you can do it with less pressure. A sensitive horse could feel misunderstood, when all signs are in place and still the pressure is raised.
Sometimes less is more!
Less is definitely more, I am helping a friend with her 4 year old mare and she does the same but if you use less pressure she is fine, but she is also very sensitive and has been rather spoiled by a previous owner so I think it's just reaching the right amount of pressure with being calm and posative