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Cinchy causing Pull Back

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I have a Quarter Horse mare who has a few problems. When her previous owners first bought her, the young girls were so excited that when they went to unload her, they forgot to unhook her. So when she backed out of the trailer, she freaked and snapped the lead shank and has hated being tied down ever sense.
So that's the first problem. The second one is that she is now (well has been ever since we bought her) cinchy. When I put the saddle and pad on she acts fine. But when I reach down to cinch her up, she dances and walks away from me. So that means that I have to saddler her in the stall so that she can't go any where. Sometimes she gets so antsy that she first gets real stiff, shakes her head, tosses her head, and then rears and hits her head on the low roof (or sometimes she flies backwards in a pull back motion). Lately I have been careful enough that I recognize the first sign so I am able to get her walking in a forward motion rather than a backward and up motion. It calms her down and I am able to carry on.
When I give her hay she doesn't have a problem with cinching up. So I have gradually weaned her off of that and have practiced cinching up without riding afterwards. I gradually tightened more and more without walking so much. Eventually I had her standing perfectly still. So I thought she was ready for the tying problem. I bought the Leader and it works great. But I learned the hard way to not cinch her up on the tie. Now I am back to square one.
Could the Monty Roberts' Production do a video on where to find an over girth and what exactly to do in my situation, much oblige.