My daughter's (leased) horse a beautiful 20 year old Arabian. He goes lames after farrier visits for anywhere from a few days to 2 weeks. Have tried different farriers but no changes. He has contracted heels in both front hooves. Lameness is getting worse. Horse has a history of pinning ears and biting chest when being ridden. Horse is NOT a trail daughter shows at local fairs and shows. He is lunged and ridden (when not lame) on average 5-8 hours a week. Horse lives outside, not in a stable. Wondering if this horse can be helped in anyway. I'm not particularly horse savvy but I'm trying! I'm wondering if Cavallo boots and/or a supplement like Equinety might help? Any Monty lessons I should watch first for help? Any suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Thank you!
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Horse Care and Comfort
Contracted heels

My daughter's (leased) horse a beautiful 20 year old Arabian. He goes lames after farrier visits for anywhere from a few days to 2 weeks. Have tried different farriers but no changes. He has contracted heels in both front hooves. Lameness is getting worse. Horse has a history of pinning ears and biting chest when being ridden. Horse is NOT a trail daughter shows at local fairs and shows. He is lunged and ridden (when not lame) on average 5-8 hours a week. Horse lives outside, not in a stable. Wondering if this horse can be helped in anyway. I'm not particularly horse savvy but I'm trying! I'm wondering if Cavallo boots and/or a supplement like Equinety might help? Any Monty lessons I should watch first for help? Any suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Thank you!
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