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Horse Behavior and Training

Do horses mourn?

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The other day a 30 year old horse died on the pasture. There was another horse of 2 1/2 years standing nearby for hours and one horse of 32 years at a distance of about 50 meters. The other horses (about 20) were not interested. When the cadaver was transported away both of the mentioned horses got very excited and absolutely wanted to follow the dead horse. I was very impressed by this behaviour. Are there similar stories?

Miriam (Holland&Germany)
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Hi Rudi,
What a touching story of those who were attached to the horse that passed away!
I have lived something similar, two older horses that had been together for many year on pasture, one died and the other stood there for a couple of days, until the owner decided, that the time had come to bury the one that passed away. Even after that the other horse stood for several days at the spot where his companion had died and was now buried.
Only after another horse was found to keep the leftover one company, it left the site of the grave and started to roam the pasture again. Mourning was over.....

Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed

Hi Rudi,
My 21 year old TB gelding passed away mid last year. My neighbour has a 5 year old arab mare who she often puts in a small yard when she takes her second horse away for the day. Usually the arab goes crazy the whole time, kicking the fences, rearing up etc. The day after my horse died and had been burried my neighbour went out with her horse leaving the arab at home as usual, only this time she stood still looking over the fence the whole time. I think she knew he had died and where he was burried.
I can also tell a story of when my cat died a few years ago we burried her in our paddock, and while we did so my horse and my dog both came and stood by her grave as we burried her. It was a surreal moment with our animals! i am sure they mourn but i think their mourning and grief is much shorter than ours!
look forward to hearing more stories!

Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed

I think you are correct in your observation. They may not be mourning in the fashion that humans do, but they most definitely are effected by the loss. Interestingly elephants will revisit sites were members of their herd died. They will pickup bones and sniff the area. This can happen years after the elephant died.
