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Horse Behavior and Training

Faith Knows Best

Hello! 2014 Cyberhunt winner 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed

Hi! Thought I would share a funny story, Faith my Palomino quarter horse is 3& not yet had a rider. I was leading her to barn through muddy pasture and passing the entrance to the final pasture I had walked close to the corner post. I knew, or thought I did that out was the best there as solid ground. Faith would not walk through the area.She is not find of puddles so I thought she was just being stubborn. I told her aloud,"Ok I will show you its safe!" Only to watch her horse smile at me when I striped into a foot or more of mud! Then I realized I was in her pasture, she has walked for nearly nine months. By pulling the lead to the outside she was only trying to show me the path safley traveled by the horses, where it appeared the same on the surface but was an inch or so deep. I remembered after stepping into mud nearly to my knee to let her goose me, in some circumstances!,Anne

Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed 300 lessons completed

I was told since I have been young, always trust your horse.
On doing research I have come accross some amazing stories of horses saving their riders lives.
They are truly amazing animals.
Thank you for sharing this, it just proves this to be true, right.

Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed 300 lessons completed 350 lessons completed 400 lessons completed 450 lessons completed 500 lessons completed 550 lessons completed 600 lessons completed 650 lessons completed

that is funny! with horse people the saying should be the horse knows best

MaggieF, Melbourne - Australia
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed

Good one,Irishwabbit, I am sure you put a smile on all our faces!

Gen (Queensland, Australia)
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed

Ha ha :-) I love it when our horses put us in our place :-)
I had a similiar experience with one of my horses when I was in my late teens. It was a bit more serious though as it involved a crocodile (aligator in the US).
At the time we lived in a small town south of Cairns in Far North Queensland and being new to the area, I thought it was great that the Mulgrave River ran along the boundary of the farm where we lived, so I started taking my horse swimming there.
We swam for 4 days with no problem, but on the 5th day, my horse refused to enter the water or even go down the bank for that matter. I could not understand it but decided not to push the envelope so to speak, because I felt she was behaving in a way that was not defiant.
I saw the owner of the farm on the way home and I told him about it and he said that my horse just saved both our lives because there are crocodiles in that river.
I thought he was just trying to scare me because I had heard that crocodiles don't live in fast running clear water and he assured me that they most certainly did. I took my horse home and we went back down there and he showed me where they were which was not far from where we were swimming.
Moral of the story:
1. Don't believe everything you hear from other people.
2. Always trust your horse :-)
See you later,

Kicki -- Sweden
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed 300 lessons completed 350 lessons completed 400 lessons completed 450 lessons completed 500 lessons completed 550 lessons completed 600 lessons completed

Wow, Gen, that is quite some story! I'm glad your horse was smart enough, and you too for not pushing her. Sorry you lost such a great place to swim, though. It's something I miss being able to do.

Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed 300 lessons completed

Wow, Gen.
That was something out of a movie for me.
Thanks for sharing.
Scary buisness, that was, I bet!!!

Gen (Queensland, Australia)
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed

Hi Kicki and Ronda
Yep, it was scary. There are still a number of crocodiles in the creeks and rivers around Cairns and surrounding areas, so you do have to be careful where you swim.
Before my husband and I left about 12 years ago, there was a fellow who went for a swim in the ocean at Yorky's Knob who basically dived into a croc's mouth! It bit him around the head and torso but spat him out again - he was lucky because he just had a few puncture wounds - nothing too serious. There was another fellow who jumped into a river to save his prise Boxer dog from a croc. He got his dog back, and the news report showed him recounting his story from hospital.
Its a beautiful area up there, and I sometimes miss living there. But it got a bit too populated for us, so we moved.
After living up there, I am still not keen on swimming in creeks and rivers; or the ocean for that matter - and I used to really enjoy swimming...
Kind regards,

Gen (Queensland, Australia)
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed

Hi Kicki and Ronda
Yep, it was scary. There are still a number of crocodiles in the creeks and rivers around Cairns and surrounding areas, so you do have to be careful where you swim.
Before my husband and I left about 12 years ago, there was a fellow who went for a swim in the ocean at Yorky's Knob who basically dived into a croc's mouth! It bit him around the head and torso but spat him out again - he was lucky because he just had a few puncture wounds - nothing too serious. There was another fellow who jumped into a river to save his prise Boxer dog from a croc. He got his dog back, and the news report showed him recounting his story from hospital.
Its a beautiful area up there, and I sometimes miss living there. But it got a bit too populated for us, so we moved.
After living up there, I am still not keen on swimming in creeks and rivers; or the ocean for that matter - and I used to really enjoy swimming...
Kind regards,

Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed

Wow Gen what a story! These horsies are clever creatures!

I am glad i live in crocs!!

When i was young i had a Welsh mountain pony/Arab. She was a great little pony :-) One day i was out riding on a bush road and on our way home we came round a corner and there was a tiger snake on the long as the road was wide! So we could't go round it except down a big bank. My little pony would not risk the bank. Instead she knew it was a dangerous snake so she stood about 2 metres away for an hour until a car came and ran over the snake! When she saw it was dead she ambled on home like normal! My dad was pretty pleased with her for looking after me!

Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed 300 lessons completed

Wow, nelliebell,
I am so impressed by that pony.
She instinctively knew to stand perfectly still for hers and yours protection.
Thank you so much for sharing that with us.
This is what I am training Star to do, learn to stand very still, maybe one day mine and hers life might depend on that.