Some people bookmark this address
Some people go to the website here: and then click on the Uni tab
The BEST way for many is to get a direct link to the latest video upload from the weekly Ask Monty eNews that comes to your Inbox and serves as a reminder each week that we have uploaded a new lesson. This week's direct link is
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How do you log on to the Uni?
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![450 lessons completed 450 lessons completed](/assets/uni_450_ribbon_icon-661a0c425c519fd398af6a0bef08a2bf6f3e5a4ed33ccde0e947703c27ea55e6.png)
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![550 lessons completed 550 lessons completed](/assets/uni_550_ribbon_icon-c6d731ae9dfdcac5e373bbfd226a178ee95ddb1127b6980f9181a03ba3dd4eab.png)
![600 lessons completed 600 lessons completed](/assets/uni_600_ribbon_icon-77d7d11ea33aa8bbd38901114ad67998c12a44a52e59d300c9d57bb372913474.png)
![650 lessons completed 650 lessons completed](/assets/uni_650_ribbon_icon-6479e4b69c165f152e6381a08cb75fe5572998930b63a62bec69c343096be5eb.png)
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I have the dashboard page bookmarked so i can go straight to it. It also comes up on the "New Tab" marker in google chrome.
I have a shortcut on the desktop of my PC and I have it on my Kindle Fire. For some reason I can't post comments or watch the lessons on my Kindle Fire so I do that on the PC.
Hope you are well Debbie :-)
Hi Vicci and Beryl - thank you for the quick response. What reminds you to go to the bookmarks please?
@Vicci - do your security settings on the Kindle allow for video?
Hi Debbie - I will have a look and see if there is something stopping it
I have the Uni on my iPad tool bar so I can go straight to Dashboard.
Hi Debbie, I have the link at the top of a "forums" folder on the tool bar, I like to read the forum questions, so go there most days to get my brain working, so it's down to my own interest.
Hi, have uni sign in page constantly on Chrome on my phone. Usually to keep up with the forum, then use laptop for lessons, my dongle is quite quick.
I Love seeing all these Rosettes, good students! How are we looking on the mobiles?
Tried to do a lesson at the pub once, very slow I gave up in the end! Took my laptop to a mate's place and used her Wi-Fi slow as well, like I said my dongle is really quick for downloading lessons, must have a great signal.
Hi Debbie - ok, checked my Kindle. I can't view lessons or make comments. The tabs look different too - the Video Library is there but the Lessons tab is not. The videos in the Library don't play. Kindle's are a bit limited in their functionality sometimes.
Hi Debbie,
My iPhone does a good enough job when on WiFi, but not when I'm away from it.
Still the screen is too small to be able to watch the videos in a satisfying way, so I prefer my MacBook for the lessons. Quality is more then great!
My inner clock tells me it's Wednesday, or sometimes Tuesday-evening I can watch the new lesson. The Newsletter does remind me of the lessons, but being in Europe I often have seen it before the Newsletter arrives.
Thank you for always improving the already good!
I'm a bit late into the conversation, but for what it can be worth here's my two cents on the matter.
I have a saved bookmark to the dashboard but that page also sits on the Google "opening page" showing my nine most visited sites, so that in itself is a constant reminder whenever I open a new window in Firefox, along with the Newsletter of course.
Hi Kicki - That's a good way!
Hi Miriam - Thanks for the head rub :)
Hi Vicci - I gave your notes to the engineer - he asked if you were logged in? Sometimes it appears that way because you can see the library but aren't actually logged in. Give it a try and I will wait for other suggestions as well.
Hi Tiggy - so nice you keep up with the Forum. Its the kindest, most helpful one on earth IMHO
Hi Beryl - NIce! Don't you love the sharing that goes on - you're an integral part.
Hi Maggie - How is the Uni looking on the iPad, good? Thanks for sharing!
Hi Debbie - partial success :-) Yes logging in helped - doh me!! This means I can comment on the forum from the Kindle - the video lessons were there however they won't play :-(. They show up, I click play, the black bar at the bottom stays but the picture disappears completely leaving only the website background image.
The sign in page is always on in a tab when Firefox is turned on. Finally got fast internet less then a week ago. Watched video for the first time. It is much nicer and easier to watch now. Haven't tried the Android Smart Phone yet to see if that will work.