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Horse Behavior and Training

Humanized Foal?

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Dear Mr. Roberts
I am dealing with an eighteen month old fellow, Quarab, with a great personality. He was born with a flexural deformity, which was corrected by surgery performed by myself, and a great deal of love and care by his breeder, Mrs. Mary Ramsay, from whom I can say it´s the best horse breeder in my country, Venezuela, mostly because it´s the only breeder concerned about imprinting and personality of her horses, rather than money; as her workers say, she has magic hands (love and patience) with all the animals.
I have been performing Join Up with him, attending very carefully your excellent instructions, by online Equus Uni, and by the reading of your books… great job Mr. Roberts, that´s the kind of people we need around, more love and understanding, less use of force.
Back to Biónico (Bionic, named after his post surgery ‘’look’’), I have a concern about him: he tries to bite me every time I get near him. As a veterinarian, I would call his attitude as an Alpha animal, as his only concern and attention it´s trying to ‘’compete’’ with me, as if he was dealing with another horses. When I back him up, squaring shoulders and looking directly, he will do so just to make enough space to jump, kick or sometimes even rear (stand on his hinds), always with a non aggressive, playful, attitude.
He was raised with a lot of attention and hands over him. His only equine discipline was his mother, an Arabian Mare; he was not allowed, because his injury, to play with other horses. I felt in love with him, because his willing to live, even when he could barely stay on foot to feed himself.
I would like to keep his joyful and happy attitude, but I need to get under control his willing to play with me as if was a horse (maybe I am?)
This is the video about his pre and post surgery ; the picture in my profile it´s him, a month ago.

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Wow, your video is really touching! It is just so great that you and everyone else worked so hard to give this little guy a chance. I think that you are right in that he thinks that you are just part of his herd because he has had so much unconventional attention at such a young age. Have you watched the dually halter videos? You could probably modify them a bit (if he is still in a brace) and incorporate some groundwork exercises to teach him to respect you as a leader. Just having this understanding should cause it to be clearer in his mind that this is not acceptable behavior. Also, doing some groundwork with him will allow his curious and happy nature to continue, as you find new tasks to amuse him and stimulate his mind. Hope this helps. Great job with him!


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Thank´s Kim. Yes, I watched the Dually and ordered a couple of sizes, just waiting to give a try, hope it will work, he is really one of the happiest horse I have met, and I want to keep him that way, but as you say, with respect :-)

Kicki -- Sweden
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Congratulations to a successful operation! It was amazing to see. And what a wonderful little guy to adapt to his brace with such good spirit.
Kim gave such good advice, I'll just add my best wishes for the both of you.

Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed

Utterly amazing !! Thank you for what you did for that little guy. I agree with the dually halter advice. Good luck, please keep us posted.

Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed

Thank you, Kicki and Andrea, I will do so and keep postings about Bionico :-)