Recently we made the very difficult decision to sell our daughter's horse Robbie to someone else as our daughter has reached the stage where she needs a more active horse.
Yesterday Robbie was sold to another little girl who is very excited. We wanted their relationship to get off to the best possible start so I explained my understanding of the concepts surrounding join up to her and her parents and also explained that I am still learning and am no expert and it may or may not work because of this - but I still wanted to give it a go.
The little girl achieved a successful join up within 10 minutes. I was so amazed and happy that I almost cried.
The parents and the little girl were also really happy and so is Robbie (our horse). This family lives close by so I can offer help if they need it in the future which is also good. And with a bit of luck we will see them on the Uni soon too.
Thanks for listening :-)
See you later,
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My Join-Up® Experience
Join-up facilitation a success :-)

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Hey Gen,
That is great!
I will possibly be selling my current horse later in the year after he has some more education and I also want him to be safe for the new owner.
I have just recently been thinking about what the process would be like, as I want the new owners to treat him with respect and utilize the language of Equus. He is such a sensitive horse that I fear that if they raise their voice at him or use any harsh methods it will turn him back into the scared and stressed horse he was when I bought him. So you having the young girl achieve join up and be open to learn gives me faith that i may be able to do the same! I was thinking that I would try and explain things a bit to them, but then also give them a copy of Monty's "The Man Who Listens To Horses" and also the "From My Hands to Yours". I know I will be very picky with who I allow to purchase him! So now thanks to you, when the time comes, I will attempt get them to join up with him.
Hope all's well.
Not long now until I'm off for my Intro course with Lynn!
Hi Ruthy
Thanks for your reply :-) You will love your course with Lynn - I can't wait for mine in September! It seems so far away. You will have to email me and tell me how it goes for you :-)
As for the little girl achieving Join-up, I still can't believe it happened. It was so wonderful and such a relief to me that Robbie is going to people who are willing to learn Monty Roberts'ways.
The mother is coming over tomorrow afternoon and I will be showing her the Online Uni and where to get Monty's books.
I felt a bit stupid when I first suggested join-up to them, because I wasn't sure it would work because I am still learning. But I encourage you to do this with the potential purchasers of your horse. It is so worth it for everyone concerned. And if they don't want to, then they probably aren't right to own your horse.
The horse we are rehabilitating should be ready for sale in October. So, I will be like you and be fussy with the people who purchase him and will definately be asking them to try join-up with him.
This whole thing is just so wonderful.
See you later,
Hi Ruthy and Gen,
I remember working with a 3 year old filly years ago in Italy, when a potential buyer came by. We did a lot of follow-up and serpentines in the arena, her following me wherever I went. The man had brought his family, was acually looking for a horse for himself for trailriding. This filly was not yet under the saddle but had a great disposition for trust and teamwork. I was asked to show what we had achieved together and while working with her I saw from the corner of my eye, that the 20 year old daughter of this family sat there and had tears running down her cheeks. I took a chance and asked her to step into the arena and take over. She was insecure if she could do it, but I told her to just look where she wanted to go and trust the horse to follow her. The end of the story was that the father bought the horse for his daughter and them wanting to know everything about Monty's methods.
Moments like these are worth a fortune!