I had a very interesting day. I wanted to take a horse I have seen only once from the pasture. I met about 8 horses, 6 of them were very interested and soon came to me. Two ran away. One of them is blind on one eye and showed signs of fear and I could gain his confidence within a short time. The last one behaved different. He did not seem afraid, it was like a game. A girl who knows him went directly on him with some food and took him. In the roundpen the reaction was optimal, back on the pasture the contact was better but still with a tendency to escape. Any comments?
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Hello Rudi! I woud like to share a similar experience: About four weeks ago I worked with my friend's horse. I knew that he was afraid of the gymnastic ball and so I started working with him and trying to abolish this fear. But the riding corral is outside and not sheltered from the wind. So a flurry moved the ball, and the horse was so shocked, that he didn't even wanted to take a carrot from my hand, and he is really hoggish. So, I was the only person who was not allowed to touch or even get near him, he always ran away. Last Saturday was te first time he did not run away, the weeks before my friend or my mother took him for me. To take him was the only problem I had, I could touch him anywhere, once I got him and he was only a little scary.
So I would say about your problem: Give the horse the time it needs to trust you. After that you will be best friends. Until this moment you should work in a threesome, that is to say you, the horse and the girl who knows the horse. This is something that helped me a lot after the gymnasic ball problem I had. The only thing that makes me wonder is that he did not seem afraid. Maybe I could help more if you explained the words "it was like a game". Good luck.