She is great with me or anybody who is not insecure. Backs up, leads well, is in general polite, good with the vet and the farrier, (she is a youngster so of course we have days with some trouble, ). But if somebody who has a bit of fear in them tries to lead, rub or well anything with her she will threaten them, ears back, small rear, threatning... So far nothing has happend but she is mean looking, she stops immediately when I correct her, giving space and looking like an angel, my fear of course is what if, and I am not there? I got her when she was 8 months, she has become better but, well it is a problem. Waiting in antisipation. Ellen Bauer Norway
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My Join-Up® Experience
My 1 year and 9 month old mare does not respect other people

She is great with me or anybody who is not insecure. Backs up, leads well, is in general polite, good with the vet and the farrier, (she is a youngster so of course we have days with some trouble, ). But if somebody who has a bit of fear in them tries to lead, rub or well anything with her she will threaten them, ears back, small rear, threatning... So far nothing has happend but she is mean looking, she stops immediately when I correct her, giving space and looking like an angel, my fear of course is what if, and I am not there? I got her when she was 8 months, she has become better but, well it is a problem. Waiting in antisipation. Ellen Bauer Norway
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Until now nobody answered your question, sorry for that!
Let me try to help you in your solution-finding-process...
The key in my opinion is education, those who think they can interact with your young mare need to learn how to handle her. Since you are a member of this Uni, why don't you invite them to come and watch some lessons with you, for example "Join-Up for Teens".
Like one would not want a young child being spoiled by wellmeaning, but not-adequate people, you don't want your young mare to decide she needs to take the lead in a situation with people. This is a natural reaction, somebody needs to be the leader. If the human doesn't do it, she is instinctively taking that role. So you can't blame her. A horse without a social structure where it feels secure, must take the lead. This is in their nature.
The horse is yours, so it's up to you to decide who should and who should not handle her.
I hope this helps, please keep us posted,
You have to teach the People, not the horse. I have a dartmoor pony that is very dominant, and he can not be trained by People that are insecure or all over the Place because it can be Dangerous. To anyone that are being confident, or shows that they are ready to take action (even if they are a bit insecure), he would listen to and be the sweetest pony ever. As long as he trust you and feels secure, he would do anything for you.
You can be insecure on the inside, but needs to be a confident leader on the outside when dealing With Young horses or any horse that want to find out where you are in their hierarchy.
I love to teach insecure People, because there are often just small changes and understanding that needs to be there for them to change how the horse look at them.
Teach the People, and the problem will be solved ;) Good Luck!
Either you can pass along a DAYPASS access and walk them through It on their phone, or consider a gift of a subscription. If they are more comfortable with books, Monty's textbook From My Hands to Yours is ideal.
Let us know how It goes :)