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Horse Behavior and Training

my placid horse has changed


good morning all. hope you are all enjoying your horses.

this may sound silly but, I moved my horse to a new yard in November. it was a lot smaller which I thought would suit him and me as I am quite a nervous rider. He normally is very laid back, spooks at very little (normally you could drop a bomb behind him and he'd only swish his tail), but his behaviour got worse, he was spooking at the noises from the café on the other side of the school (not belonging to the livery yard but is a biker café)and reacting to the flags. on the yard itself (indoor barn with monarch stables) he was fine. if it was not windy and the café was closed he was fine, but we became more and more limited as to when we could ride. now because I am a nervous rider I ended up in a viscious circle with him, with both of us getting wound up. I ended up saying I wouldn't ride and was getting cared of going up there in hand.
we spoke to my riding instructor who said we would be better off moving back to our old yard, which we have now done (a lot quicker than anticipated).
i'm trying to get him back into his old routine (this was changed at the new yard)straight away and am going to make sure he goes in his paddock every day (this wasn't happening at the yard we had moved to). we moved back to our old yard yesterday, and my husband rode him last night, he was fine but a little strong. we are going to try to do some form of work with him every day as this wasn't always possible at the other yard.

I guess what I am asking is, is this right and is there anything else I can do to make sure I have my practically bombproof horse back? also his manners have gotten bad again, in the stable and I need to put that right.

he was so good before we moved, but lacked consistency there (he was on part livery so they did most of the yard jobs for me, we are now back on DIY livery), do you think he'll get better with us being consistent with him.

my lack of confidence means I struggle with him being bolshy and spooky. I can't believe he has changed like that. please understand he is not dangerous, just "rude". we are hoping routine will help.

many thanks in advance for your help.

p.s he is 17 ad I've had him 7 years

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Hi. In many ways I think you have answered your own question. Your bombproof, placid cob was very happy with his routine & his friends, human & equine. Then you moved him to s different place & completely changed his routine, removing yourselves from much of his day to day life. Who knows what happened with the new humans in his life. For sure, they wouldn't have loved him like you do. Placid, older, heavier types of horse do not command the same respect that a thoroughbred can for some people - not exciting enough. Cobs are usually very resilient so I suggest that you stay calm & take time to be with him now you are back where he enjoys. Do not demand, request. You do not have accreditations on the Uni - is that because you have not taken Montys challenges? If you have the opportunity to do a Join Up that would be a good start. Your cob needs reassurance that his happy life, with a happy owner, is back, to stay. All your cob has done is to tell you he's unhappy. Don't punish his honesty. Keep us posted. Cheers, Jo.


hi. thank you for your reply. I have done a few of the challenges, though have not done many as yet. I am working through them.
I am happy I listened to him telling me he wasn't happy, but I doubted myself as I was being told he was just being naughty or a bit fresh with the spring grass (which does not normaly affect him, other than weight gain).
my husband went up this morning and said that Fred called to him when he went on the yard, which he hasn't done for the last 4 months. I popped up lunchtime and am about to go back again and he seemed settled.
I think tonight will be a good groom and a walk in hand.
thank you. i'm sure i'll post again soon with an update.
Sarah x

MaggieF, Melbourne - Australia
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed

Cobgirl. - so pleased you have moved him back to his old yard. This should help but he will need time to settle in again and perhaps you can use this time as a new start for you both. Noticed you have no emblems yet so do check out as many of Monty's videos as you can. Pick the ones where he is handling pushy or spooky horses that need ground manners. You may also check out the great free videos - Horsemanship Essentials with Monty and Kelly Marks on the Horse and Country tv UK website. I assume you have a dually halter - if not purchase one immediately as the dually is excellent in teaching ground manners. Start over now with ground manner training and build up your horses and your own confidence again.

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Hi Sarah. Fred needs you to be calm & consistent. Your ideas of grooming & a walk in hand are great. However, there is so much more you can do to enhance Fred's experience. I understand that you are relatively new to the Uni & have only done a limited number of the lessons. Go back to the Join up ones. Study them specifically, paying attention to the body language Monty uses. Don't feel daunted - you can do this! Fred needs you to try this & I guarantee he will help you. He's an old boy & has everything to gain from your success. My Apollo was 38 when he died. I rode him for the last time 361 days before he died & he ran off with me - picked up the bit & for a short distance went as hard as his old, arthritic legs could go. He was soooo happy afterwards, going diagonally forwards bopping his head from the ground to the sky as if to say " I still got it - can get her heart racing". 24 years we were together, like an old married couple, mirroring each other's moves with minimal signals - fantastic. He's been gone since 2005 but he taught Bella lots of stuff & I now have her 2013 colt, Kirk & her impossible pregnancy issue, Holy Moley, from 2014. Trust is your greatest asset. Join up is your best tool to achieve trust. Fred needs trust & so do you. Go for it & keep us posted. And yes, a Dually head collar is a great tool. Cheers, Jo.


thanks guys.
yes, I do have a dually halter. so will be using that.
I am also going through the videos/lessons again.
I have seen a huge change in him already and he seems much more relaxed. we have him back on his old routine again, as he is happier with routine. I've noticed that his stable manners are already better too, without me doing anything. i'm also starting to relax too.
time and patience for us now I think.
thank you for your advice, i'll keep you posted how we get on.