I promised you if I were to do something with MY STAR I would post it on youtube.
I did and it is there.
On the youtube site just type in: Star and the saddle.mpg
I had another trainer come here around two years ago to ride MY STAR for the first time.
It was a distaster, the young girl was horrid, in attitude and ability.
Poor STAR was frightened to death.
This morning while working with her I was able to get her to trust me enough to put the saddle back on, YEA!!!
Before we went into the round pen I walked around the yard with her, had her walk over poles and the tarp, I wanted her to get use to the feel of it on her back.
In the round pen I had her walk, trot and run with it on. I wanted her to feel the flapping on her sides.
In the video you will see her kick out at the saddle, she was nervous but she did it.
Also you will see how responsive she is to my slightest jestures, she's a smart girl.
Good for her.
The dually-halter works wonders!!!
PS: Ok guys I want to see some of your work with your beauties.
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Sorry guys you still have to type MyStarMajestic on the youtube.com then go to one of her videos and click on the print, beside the video, where it says mystarmajestic and they all come up even the new ones.
Hi Ronda,
What a sweet girl she is, your Star!
This time I could see you give your signals and her responding very clear.
You are her safetyzone and she is your joy in life, keep growing together!
Have fun,
It is so great to see what you are doing with MY STAR! Ever since it was suggested that we post videos with are questions I have been wanting to put one up for you all to see. I am in Washington this week and in California for the 2 weeks after that for the intro course, but when I get back to my babies I will definitely share. Ari(Almira), my 3 yr old has improved a lot with handling her feet since I posted. She picks all four up for me like an angel and lets me trim with no problems. I wish I had video of before and after so you guys can see her improvement, I am so proud of her. Thank you for sharing! I look forward to seeing more videos of MY STAR in the future.
Did you take your new video down? It is not on Youtube when I searched
Hi Ronda - I can't find your youtube footage of Star and the saddle - I saw your Join-up and the footage with Paul on the bicycle though! The round pen idea was fabulous - really clever. Star is gorgeous. Lizzie x
Sorry Ronda, less haste etc ... I have found your clip ... just gonna watch now! Lizzie x
What a good girl - you must be so proud Ronda! Lizzie x
The easiest way to see the video is to go to YouTube then type in: mystarmajestic. One of her videos will come up.
Then when you look at the right side of one of her videos, where the writting is and it says in small letters, mystarmajestic, click there and all of her videos will come up.
She's so cute and I love her so.
You can really hear me laughing when she kicks out at the saddle or she comes to me but says no way, what is she going to do now!!!!
Thanks guys and I look forward to seeing your work with your honey-bunnies.
Finally got your newest video http://www.youtube.com/user/mystarmajestic
YouTube is not always very good at name searches. It was interesting to watch your horse and how it responds to your body movement. She is very sensitive to changes in your body position and at times it looks as if she was getting mixed signals on which way you wanted her to go. If you hold your lead line in the hand closest to the rear of the horse and use that hand to ask her to go quicker and the hand closest to the head to have her change directions she will be happier. Also I noticed that anytime you took your eye off of her or moved out of position she would change direction or speed. My analogy is you are dealing with a Ferrari and not a Buick. She really is very trusting of you and it is obvious she wants to please. Nice horse. You ware going to be very happy with the results of your training.
Thanks for sharing and I hope my suggestions were not to harsh. Unsolicited advise is not always taken well, so if have offended you I apologize in advance.
Hi again Ronda,
Everything you have been posting got me really exited to show you all videos of my horses as well, but since I can't really share much till I get back home I made a short little 'intro' video with pictures and clips I already had on my computer. I guess I am just really missing them already. Here is the web address: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZYaayXHe28 Hope that work!
Actually Dennis,
I'm not offended at all.
When you listen to the video, you will hear me saying I am doing this on purpose to show how responsive she is to my signals, very subtle ones.
Just turning my head or looking sideways. I said she is very sensitive and will move back and forth because of these signals, she wasn't confused.
This was not a join-up but an exercise in getting her to move with the saddle on so she could experience the feeling of it while running, or moving in different directions, quickly.
I could not allow her to move too fast, we had wet snow and the ground was slippery and I did not want her to hurt herself. The moment I said to her, come here baby, she did.
She was doing exactly as I was asking and I was very proud of her.
We do this all the time, play in the round pen or her medium sized pasture, at liberty, she's used to my signals, I don't have to say a word to her, she just knows.
I am finally able to train her as I have others and she listens to the subtle signals, it's great.
Thank you for saying she is a nice horse and I feel she will make a great horse.
You never have to apoligize, OK.
Hi guys,
I just watched Alecia's and Cristina's latest videos.
They are wonderful.
Such excellent jobs, so professional, WOW.
With Cristina it's like watching ballet in motion with a horse, I loved it.
And Alicea's horses are like angles.
Just gorgeous well done!
Hi Majestic
May I ask a few questions?
How do you work in winter time when there is the snow ?
How long does hte winter last where you live?
How big is your pasture?
Has she company ?
Is My Star inside during the winter ?
Is she barefoot?
I want to open a new post where we introduce our horses instead of ourselfs. I think the condition of their "life style" helps even more to understand the way everybody works and tries to resolve problems.
Hi - I just copied and pasted http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZYaayXHe28 and nothing comes up. I also tried typing in Almira into youtube - got nothing! What am I doing wrong? I would love to see everyone's videos so any tips would be really welcome. Thanks, Lizzie x
Hi you have to paste it in the space for the http:address above,
Hi Cristina,
Our winters start in November and end in May. They are long and hard. We get a lot of snow and ice.
This makes it very difficult to work outside with Star.
Her barns collapsed last winter because we had weird weather, snow, warmth, ice then the roof collapsed because of the weight.
It was old but pretty good for working with her out of the climate and bugs.
Now it is more difficult because we are exposed to everything and at it's mercy, we have to work around it.
Star has three pastures, all about an acre each and I rotate them daily. My husband keeps them clean for her. She has many buckets of fresh water daily available to her at all times.
The only company STAR has is her rabbit, Bugsy and myself and husband. I haven't the engery or health to handle another horse right now, soon maybe.
When her barns were destroyed my husband converted an old shed, sturdy but old, into a stable for her. It is insulated and she has 2 inch rubber matts. There is electricity but no running water. During the warm months we use a hose for filling her buckets and cleaning her stall. During the winter we have to carry water for her often from the house because it freezes, it's a lot of work.
She has a paddock attached to her small barn and goes in there during the winter, if there is no ice and she chooses to do so. Otherwise she is in her 13 by 13 foot stall, and many times she will stand in her stall, by choice.
Yes she is barefoot and has her feet done every six weeks by her ferrier. I will always keep her barefoot, Danny says her feet are very strong and because they are so tiny, putting shoes on her would ruin them. I clean her feet 2 times a day. He does not over clip her hoofs and there is always a small rim on the bottom of her hoof, gives her good grip.
I think I answered all the questions, OK.
And it's a good idea, it will help. I won't add more right now, I'm taking up too much space.
Hi Ronda! I saw your videos, you're pretty good and you have a pretty horse. :)
Hi Ronda,
it happened only a few times, that the water would freeze where I live. It is a real problem and a lot of hard work to carry the water through the snow when it is cold and it gets dark very early I guess.
Lizzie, If you still are having trouble with finding my video my youtube name is Almira524, I only have one video on my channel so it is easy to find :)
Ronda, I live in Minnesota and we get pretty harsh winters like up in Canada. I didn't work with my horses very much last winter, mostly took them on walks. I to have to take their water out in buckets when it freezes but their water tub has a floating heater so I only have to fill it up once or twice a day, it holds about 30 gallons. I was also wondering about working the horses during winter, like you I don't have any indoor buildings to take my horses into. They live outside and have a large shed that they can go in if it gets too windy. My two girls are Nokotas so they are pretty adapt to the harsh weather, even my arab does fine. I am still just wondering how everything is gonna work out with my intro course work during the winter... the snow is usually pretty powdery so I don't have to worry too much about it being icy underneath, but I still wouldn't have fabulous footing to work with. We shall see how it goes.
Hi guys,
Horseaddict, thank you, I try real hard with her.
My only concern is my shoulder injury. As one of the videos showed I put the saddle on her and for the past two days have not been able to lift my arm.
I tried again yesterday to put the saddle on her but couldn't get it past my hip, very frustrating.
I start theropy again on Tuesday afternoon, hopefully that is going to help.
Cristina and Alecia don't you just hate the winter. I have seriously been thinking of moving to the Baja Pennisula, Mexico.
We have a lot of friends there and the weather is great, ranches aren't too expensive and Star would love it there, as would we.
Getting a good filtration system for the water would be my only concern for us all.
NO SNOW, only in the mountains and I can visit that if I get homesick for the snow, NOT !!!!
It's been my hope for a couple of years now. I talk with my friends often and they really rub it in, oh my it's so sunny today and I'm sitting here in the cold rain, yuck.
I love them dearly and they love to tease me.
You guys have a wonderful day,
PS: I hear Mars is pretty warm too!!!
I love the videos, please keep them coming!
He Ronda! I added a Dually video on my channel for my into course work. My first video so i kinda felt a little camera shy but ill get used to it lol. The weather is just amazing, no snow yet!!! I can't believe it and today it was raining! I am enjoying the above freezing weather :) it drops back down by the weekend but it was a nice few days. I would love to hear all your guys feed back along with my instructor/s haha not sure who is gonna watch them since we had 4 interns when we went, one went back home and two became certified when we were there (go luuk and jana!!!) but there are a few left lol. I met someone who agreed to let me work with her horses as well and she happens to have a nice round pen so I will be getting more videos up when I start working with her horses, plus the work I do with my own, can't wait! Well enjoy and here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VOXI68kiFI&feature=plcp&context=C2bcdaUDOEgsToPDskKctsLD0N_q0lPb9oNlzuoY
Good morning Almira,
I have suscribed to your site and I just click on my subscriptions and yours comes up.
I posted there for you, again.
I like to use the titles, I find it much faster. That's why I tag mine.
For you if members want to see you new one, they just have to type in the search bar on the youtube site: Almira524 and everything comes up.
She did really good, guys.
I too had a look at your video and i think you did a great job! :-) I'm Getting a video camera for christmas so hope to do some with my Brumby!
Yep Ronda she did really good hey :-)
I just re-watched your video with MySTAR and the saddle. You really were having a great time! After watching the video again I am not too sure MySTAR is a walker, but whatever breed she is she certainly moves well and is well put together. She looks like she would be fun to ride but you better pay attention or you will be sitting on the ground!I just got back from riding my horse and since it rained last night my trainer and I went out on the street. Very little traffic and everyone either has a horse or is aware of horses so I don't hesitate to take him off the ranch. On thing that he will not do is go through water. He will spin on you and just refuse to move. That is until today. We were having a nice quite walk and he was half asleep and walked right through two long mud puddles. He kind of looked at me to say "You tricked me but it was not too bad"
Hi Dennis,
That's so wonderfull to hear this.
I sometimes don't relise how easy Renske is. It is heavy raining hear in Holland and the sandschool is a big pool with "muddy" sand. I went into the sandschool and just walked around on Renske. She is so good and is splahsing around without any doubt.
I hope your horse didn't think: I tricked you!!!, but it wasn't to bad, was it? Haha....
Cheers, May.
Actually Dennis,
I believe you are right.
I have had so many names given to her I just don't care anymore.
She's a nice horse and I treat her with respect. She is good looking and good natured, as she can be for her youth and being a mare !!!!
When she is ready to be ridden for the first time, it will not be by me that's for sure.
I have a young lady in mind who lives down the road from me, who has ridden green horses several times and trains her own, who will do this for me.
She will do it according to my will, which is great.
I'll have her ride her as much as possible before I even attempt to mount her.
I was wondering why you would say this. Is it something you noticed about her that I have missed?
I'm happy your guy went through the water, maybe he'll do this for you now.
Have a good day,
When MySTAR trots she trots and does not do a flat walk but it really doesn't matter as long as you have the great connection with her that you do. I think you both are so luck to have each other. I can see she gives you a lot of joy.
I am glad you are not going to take the first ride. It can be really exciting and at the same time really scary for both horse and rider. On thing that my trainer does in getting a horse ready for its first ride is he has the horse in the round pen 3 or 4 times a week with just a saddle on, no stirrups. After the horse is comfortable with just a saddle and is not bucking trying to get rid of it he attached stirrups that have a toe cover but puts them on backwards so if the horse tries to kick them with his hind feet they cannot get caught in the stirrup. The horse will buck like crazy with the stirrups; you need them to be short so they don't bang his sides. After the horse is ok with this setup he will get his first ride. Either I or someone else will be in the round pen with him and have a lead line on the horse. He will mount the horse and just stand their not asking the horse to do anything but accept his weight. So far we have never had a horse buck at this stage. They get a little squirrly but don't go anywhere since I have a lead line on them. So after that exercise the next day he will be asked to move forward at what ever speed they want to, as long as they stay in control of themselves. If not he stops by turning them in a very tight circle (one rein stop) and when they settle starts again. Needless to say this is a slow process and takes patience and calmness, but no one gets hurt. Usually after a week we are riding the horse in the open without difficulty. Personally I much prefer my trainer to do the first dozen or so rides and is the horse is a calm one then I get a ride otherwise he waits until the horse has matured and is calmer.
Thanks Dennis,
I appreciate your information and encouragement.
The way things go in my life I'm sure if I were to be the first on Stars' back I'd probably go flying instead of riding.
I'll leave that for the young ones, thank you.
Have a sunny day,