
Monty Roberts Equus Online University
Horse Training Video Instruction Program

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Horse Behavior and Training

race horse frozen in gate


Hi Monty,

A friend of mine has a 3 yr. old QH and he is literally frozen in the gate when they try to work him. Apparently, when he first started he did go out of the gate twice, although he was nervous and also at that time he did leave the gate.
Ok, I also learned that during one of his training sessions, while being led into the gate, he circled in too far to one side and hit his gaskin which required 5 stitches. Since then they have only been able to lead him in, as with the rider he refuses to go in. Although once he is led in, then the leader is getting on the side of the shoot, while the rider gets on. That is when he freezes and will not go forward. He will come out backwards, but even then he is scared.
My thought here is to get a training gate,one that you can make into a double space shoot, giving him extra room initially. I would also suggest, that whichever horse he is galloping with on a regular basis, that is the horse to put next to him in the training gate, being on the side of the double wide gate. When his buddy leaves the gate, then the chances are that he will want to go with him.
Also, dont you have a special training skirt that goes over the flank of the horse to protect him from the gate? Doesn't that actually stay at the gate when the horse leaves? Let me know where I can find one and how much they cost?

Thanks Monty for your thoughts and I look forward to hearing from you.

