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Starting the Cutting Horse

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Adding to Jo's advice, I'd like you to check what's already available on this Uni under the head 'Ridden work, discipline specific etc.'
Pat Roberts, Monty's wife shows some basic lessons and then there are the series with Richard Winters. Big fun is the lesson where Will Simpson goes Western on Monty's horse Chrome!
This is at least a start for you and your Monte. The fact that he already has the ability to 'turn on a dime' might be a good start, now you will need to learn the communication to ask for what's available in a way that brings fun and no bruises...
Please keep us posted!
The number one question when thinking about cutting cows is : Will your horse take to cows? It`s all in the introduction. So I would look for a trainer that specializes in cutting and go from there. Monty used ginney hens for his practice, but a horse needs to be placed in the right situation to get the right start. The physical stature and natural suppleness are huge factors in determining a successful individual.
please keep us posted!