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The Barn Or Buddy Sour Horse

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In addition to Jo's expertise advice, I would like to add: check the equipment, back and saddle area!
I'm saying this because of your description that he becomes quite tense when mounted. It's likely to be a "mental" problem rather than physiologic, but it is always good to rule out all the possibilities or you efforts to make it better can in fact make it worse, if he feels or expects to feel pain when ridden.
To add a little more to what Jo and Kicki mentioned.
I have a Tennessee Walker that did the same thing with me when I first bought and started working with him. Jo mentioned something about his past. well I did a little background on my boy and found out that he had been ridden mostly by inexperienced riders with little or no knowledge of horses.
Monty has several videos on how you as the rider should approach your horse and the body language you need to make him not only trust you, but at the same time to relax, and lower your blood pressure, because that's the first thing he will pick up on when you mount.
I hope this helps some.
Kicki, thank you for mentioning that as I do have some problems with his back and saddle area (as I again, I was going to mention but I’m working on figuring it out right now) because when I brush and curry his lower back area near his spine he flinches away, and he even does this when I curry and brush on his hindquarters near his spine. I’ve talked to some people about it but they said it was probably the saddle pad, which we need new ones but we can’t get any right now. I want to get the vet out but I was told it was just the saddle pad so we are currently waiting to get new saddle pads before we have a vet come check him. So, for the meantime I’ve been busy with a lot of groundwork and getting him to trust me and used to me.
Thank you all so much for your advice! It really helped and I’ll looking forward to trying it!
Also, I’m unsure if he was hand reared by humans but from how he reacts to certain things I do and the whip ( which I only use as an extension of my arm for liberty ) I believe he was abused or trained poorly.