so I got this half quater horses mare about 7 8 months ago.. the people a got her from were great but they got her when she was about 3 before that they just told me story the really neve have peolpe spend time with her so this is all still new to her.. I Would say she trust me I can mess with her face eye bell between her legs i can pick up her feet all i could not really do when I got her.. I can ride her kind of. were having so problems.. she has a great stop witch dhe use when she said she done. but i dont want her to be done.. and she throw a fit like a little kid when I tell her no.. i want her to go forword she start backing and bucking she try to throw me off.. something she has yet to do. and she start throwing her head witch has almost hit me in the face number of time. I just sit there and smile talk to her after about 1 min she start to walk again then we try to trot start over again.. after I get her to do what I want her to do I stop her and get off... any idea Im runing out.. I have had horses all my life.. will she just over come that the more I ride. I have out about 300 or so ride on her.
Thank you for all your help
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Horse Behavior and Training
tranning my first horse

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she 5 year old and i have have her 7 or 8 months. and mess with her belly.
Please don't think I am being cheeky or rude but I have a beautiful but a remedial (has issues), but I have such faith in the approved instructors, is it possible to have one near you to come round to help?
I would work her more on the ground, get imaginitive with her , back her up thru stuff, move her sideways right & left get her leading really well and stopping and standing square for some lengths of time. It sounds to me that she doesnt like the pressure of being asked to do more than 'she thinks' is a suitable amount of work. Sounds like she tolerates you but does not respect you or your command s of her. She needs to understand that you are firmly the one thats in control of this partnership ( albeit kindly ). That she does have a job to do for you at your request and not when she sees fit. Set clear fair black & white rules and stick to them, dont get wishy washy over anything or she'll see it as weakness. Dont be in a rush to ride her until you have complete respect and compliance from her from the ground. As I said at the begining get imaginitive with her, make it fun and 'dance' together from the ground. I'm sure it will help......let me know & good luck ( have the vet just check her over too, make sure the bucking isnt anything physical or saddle induced )
thank you for your help i will try that with her.. and she just dose the bucking when she dose not want to do what i ask it her way to get out of thing her old owner never made her do anything she dos not want to.. so she use to that ill just be a pain for you so i dont have to do what you want..
Hi bbarner...remember whoever moves the feet controls the 'dance' so be that leading partner. Really if you get her respect for you on the ground and she moves when you ask, it will transgress to when you are in the saddle. The behaviour you describe is almost certainly a respect issue. You mean 'nothing' to her, you dont even warrant listening she sees it.....sharpen up, be dynamic, fair and persistant. dont accept anything less than you started out to achieve...dont move the goal posts...and take as long as it takes ...she'll be proud to do your bidding when she respects you.
You may also want to try backing her up when she backs up ...yes, what she thought was a good idea to evade you will soon get to be a bad idea for her if you keep backing her when she starts, keep backing till she wants to stop then back somemore ...she'll soon think twice about backing again.
With everything you do keep yourself controlled and in control, dont stoop to her level and have a hissy fit ( even though you may want to , get good at acting if you have to ) As Monty says adrenelin up learning down......Identify your emotion and use it for you not against you ... hence my name and method HorsEmotion ! good luck
Hors'emotion - you have just hit the nail on the head for me!!!!!! Went to deal with a horse yesterday which is throwing in reverse as an evasion. We have been working on the dually first (all fine) and then on the long lines, establishing the halt (as he struggles to stand still) and then when all quiet asking for a step back. Horse can do one step then struggles to stand still and starts fidgeting and stepping back - as that point I shake the long lines to say no - not backwards, go forwards - then he blows and really backs up at me. Tomorrow, I will do the OK, if you want to back up, don't back up a litttle, back up a lot!! Thank you so much.
hors'emotion when she start to back up and i dont want her to i have started making her back up so that it not want she want to do anymore she change her mind in want to go forword it work really will.. they try to do something to get out of it then you make then do it after they start then that dont want to do it any more then thay move forword.. its funny how there mind works..
Glad you liked my suggestion, after 40years I think Ive seen just about every trick in the book, remeber to stay calm and focused. When you backed up a long way, give them a minute to enjoy the standstill, then ask for a move forward as if nothing happened. "IF' they give you back again ....repeat the back a lot....the required result will happen ....but it may take few goes till the penny drops. In the end when they do give you forward only ask for 4/5 steps then stop and praise again reward them with standstill. Dont forget to smile !!! Sounds like your horses are about to meet a brand new partner.....keep me posted.
Hi Hors'emotion. Here's the update. The horse went really well. Worked on the dually first to get the forwards and backwards and space established then moved onto the long lines. Started slow and walked a circle, then halted and asked a friend to go and give him a rub. After repeating that a few times (for which he stood beautifully and then was looking to stop so we could tell him how wonderful he was) I asked for one step backwards - and I was ready for his reaction and the backwards blast, but it didn't come. He did one relaxed step back and then stopped....and stood. Then he turned his head round and looked at me. A look that I interpreted as a 'is this all you wanted' look and then he just stood. I dropped the long lines and gave him loads of PIC!!! Didn't get to try out the technique but will be ready in case it comes! Our next challenge is going to be loading - planning on doing lots of 'dummy' runs with tarpaulins, poles and corridors first as we believe he has been upside down before. Fingers crossed. Thanks again.
ps my friend couldn't believe it was the same horse - he looked like he had been sedated! What a difference - I can assure you we were all smiling :-))
trejansi...thats fantastic to read...well done you. Tell your friend its the same horse but a different you ! I think that if you are prepared with a solution to fix a problem then sometimes thats enough to fix it. Knowledge brings confidence and that will have shown in you even if you didnt realise it....but your horse will have noticed thats for sure.
And I was smiling too as I read your update :)
I went back to ground work with my mare.. she is a fast learner.. you know i kind of missed the hole ground with thing with her.. so we went back now. my mare will back walk trot with me on the ground just by falling my body movement.. it cute she would not do that with me tell this week.. and will are riding got better to she flexes when i ask her to and trot and back like a champ now.. so were just going to keep working on are ground work and ride but just work on are walk and trot got all of this good before i ask for anything more.. when she is ready for the next step she will let me know..thank you for all your help.. she becoming a better girl will to please..