
Monty Roberts Equus Online University
Horse Training Video Instruction Program

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Horse Behavior and Training

What to do when your horse just wants to run?


Well my horse is great but she is the type who is very competive as she was trained that way from way before i got her. She is getting better but when on a trail ride and her friend(s) go for a gallop or she thinks she spots a portential gallop track, although she is easy to stop running she prances and sidesteps and i cant stop that. Any tips and/or techniques to calm her down.

Thanks :)

Miriam (Holland&Germany)
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Hi horsey.nut,
So good that you're able to stop your horse when she thinks she can anticipate what's coming next!
What you can do is watch the "cutting corners"-lesson on this Uni, and use the same technique as soon as your horse tries to take over. So put her to work every time she wants to decide for the 2 of you. Let her make small circles in both directions and at the moment she relaxes, take your pressure away, let her find benefit in staying with you.
You can even back her up, in such situations. Important is that she dicovers it's easier for her to listen to your cues than to decide by herself.
Be consequent and have fun!
Let us know how you're doing,

Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed

Miriam has hit the nail on the head. That is the most effective and safest why to correct a horse that is not listening to you. Also get in the habit of backing your horse at least once or twice when you are riding. It teaches the horse to be calm and to listen to what you are asking. Most horses would rather not backup since they cannot see directly behind them so they have to trust that you are taking care of them and not putting them in any danger. Once the horse takes 4 or 5 steps back stop and just stand for a moment to let your horse relax then walk out slowly be for you get in to any gaits.


Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed 300 lessons completed

Dennis and Miriam hit right on. You try this and I bet she'll behave more graciously for you.
She'll still be competitive and that's good you want a horse with some spirit but well mannered.
When I get on a horse, even a strange one the first thing I do is check out how does it move forward and will it willingly back up for me.
There is something about a horse that backing up seems to calm them down, I'm not sure why but almost always it works.