I'd like to suggest the uni provide a lesson on how to tie the different rope knots referred to on page 248 in 'Ask Monty'.
I'd also like to suggest providing a visual lesson on how to get an older, absolutely untouched horse to receive a first halter in the round pen after join up, learn to lead on the dually and also learn to tie-up.
I've picked up clues from the other lessons and from reading comments on the forum, but feel it would be awesome to have a specific group of lessons showing all of this more clearly.
Many thanks for the uni - I'm learning so much and loving it.
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University Suggestion Box
Suggestions for more lessons

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Although I am not able to change the situation that there are no lessons about your points (unil now?) I can maybe give some tips about the points you mentioned.
1. It is only one knot, but in lesson four of the "Join-Up for children"-group there is shown a really good and easy one.
2. To receive the first halter is not easy for older horses, when they are younger (foals) it is easier to hold them when they try to run away. :) But I would like to advise you to watch the fourth lesson video about Georgia, a headshy mare Monty wants to swap the normal halter she was wearing for years against the Dually Halter. Maybe this might help you.
Best wishes from Jasmin
Hamburg, Germany
I would Like to see a Lesson Group on Horse Care.
Such as The Horse Blanket = How do you get a Proper Fit. Putting on and Taking off a Blanket. Plus when it is appropriate to Blanket. Why do the Blankets have so many different types of Straps? Such as Crossing under the belly or Going Between the Hind Legs. What about the front closures and stopping the Blanket from sliding.
The Proper way to fit Leg Protection. The Types and Why we would need it.
What to put on a Horse for Protection on a Long Trailer Ride or just a Ride Across Town.
How to know if the Saddle Fits Correctly and What is the best materials for the Cinch or Girth.
What are the different Saddle Pads For. Which Types of Saddle Pads are Best and Which Are the Most Harmful.
How do we Clean All this stuff.
I think that those leasons would be great to have on the university, but what I would like to learn about is what kind on tack would Monty Roberts would recommend, and how to use it.
I would like to see what you can do with a yearling/ youngester under two as Join-Up is not appropriate. Like learning basic manners, leading, backing up for you when you enter the stable, not kicking when feet are picked up, ect as I'v had a long hard road with my foal who unfortunalty wasnt handled from birth had never seen a vet/farrier untill he was nearly two, and im sure there are others in the same boat as I was.
Hi all, I would like to suggest the DVD "You and your wild horse" for folks who have a colt/filly and would like to gentle it after having achieved Join-Up. It is also usefull to watch the lessons "catching your horse" here on the uni. The way Monty's student puts on the halter on the different horses is just the one we did it step by step with the untouched Mustangs in the advanced class - which of course in the end would be the best lesson but I know that not everyone is lucky and can go to Flag is Up Farms - But: we have the Uni and each other to learn and study! Have fun ! VioBerlin
Thanks for feedback and comments Renjaho and everyone :)
I thought I saw a Video of Monty Helping a student desensitization a Colt. Maybe it was an old one on You-Tube?
Did I miss the Lesson on the First Saddling the First Saddling? My Suggested Lesson List Jumped from Lunging To Monty riding the horse.
It would be easier to find the Videos if All the Ground Work was together. Maybe the Lessons could be put in order of how The Willing Partners Horses are trained. Instead of by the Dates the Videos were made. To Me If the horse has an issue stalling the training process the Ground Work gets gone through again. So that would put all the Head Shy and Phobia Videos before the Lunging Video. Like a Horse Training Text Book Would Be Laid Out. But I am an Outline Freak.
I can see some of these Newbies Scratching there heads trying to figure out how to put on the Leg Protection Not to mention at what point in the Training that is put on.
The Extended notes with the Videos is Nice. But If I was not experienced I could see myself getting lost and maybe figuring it out by watching the Videos Several Times.
This type of Common Sense Order might Slow Down Some of these Suggestions to Purchase This book or DVD that is not related to Monty Roberts Site or His Merchandise.
more lessons about working with youngsters on the ground to get them ready for backing.picking feet up,leading, backing up,games to keep them interested,taking them out on roads and to shows all before backing.
Hi all, I managed to borrow a copy of 'You and Your Wild Horse', which was fantastic. However it didn't go as far as showing how to train the horse to tie-up.
So a new video lesson on training a previously untouched horse to tie-up would be awesome on the uni. Thanks! :)
I've suggested this before, but I would love to see a lesson in training your horse to accept being washed and hosed down.
I realize part of the problem lies in training him to "stand still", but while I'm on my good way, I think the need to wash his legs will come way before I have achieved total success in the former.
He's not afraid of the hose, he just don't accept the water when it touches him. Schooling him back to stand still made him even more averse to the situation, so I'm stuck.
Hi Kicki, I used to compete at Endurance, in that sport all the horses get well used to being hosed,washed,having water poured over them and even thrown at them. I introduced several youngsters to the sport and found the best way of introducing the water aspect was to wait for a really hot day(that could take a while here in the UK!), take the horse out exercising and get him a little sweaty, then on your return have a bucket of water, maybe even warm water and a sponge. Dip the sponge and squeeze it out,then start sponging on the lower neck, shoulder or saddle area, wherever the horse is happiest. Work away quietly, gradually leaving the sponge wetter as they become accustomed to it and increasing the area you are working on.
I found the ticklier, finer skinned horses were more touchy about water running down their legs and more inclined to kick and stamp at it, but all of them without exception came to enjoy it realising that it made them more comfortable.Like all the other lessons on here make the learning incremental and it becomes easy.
Get your bathers on and go to it! Val.
Hi guys, this is a question, not a suggestion but I didn't know where to post it...I have left a couple of posts on Beginners problems, but when I try to find that topic a few days later, I can't track it down!! Anyone else have this problem of not being able to pick up on a topic they have been watching? Cheers, Claire
Thanks for the suggestion!
Now that you mention it, I do remember washing his mane last summer on a really hot day (he's oversensitive to insect bites, so I needed to wash with a special shampoo). We used a sponge and bucket out in the field, and it went quite well, so this summer I will definitely try out your idea and hope he "gets it".
They do disappear, don't they!
Have you tried going to the main forum page and looked under the different categories (or "sub-forums")?
Greetings from England
Have been spending sometime working on long-lining and watching Monty very closely for tips! I am using a small school rather than a round pen (as we don't have one). I would love to learn how to do some lateral work with my warmblood. Incidently I cannot thank you enough Monty, for pointing out how destructive lunging is, I almost have a new horse since I started long- lining her, no wrong bend, no disuniting, tail swishing and reluctance to go forward, keep up the fantastic work you are doing. Pam
thanks for that, I have worked it out now, just put it in the search at top right, then again, and tra la! Thx Claire
I just found the Beginnrs Problems, in MY JOIN-UP EXPERIENCE, THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE FUNNY. And read some lovely stories whilst doing so. Claire
I'd like to suggest the uni provide a lesson on difficult to mount horse, pull-back horse, foal care and nutrition, foal handler and broodmares care and nutrition. I have read about some of these topics in Monty’s book, From my hands to yours, but i’ll like to see a demonstration.
Hi Javier
I would also like to see those lessons on the Uni too. I would also like to see a lesson / demonstration on Foal Imprinting Monty Roberts Style.
In fact, a video lesson on everything mentioned in "From My Hands to Yours" would be fantastic. There is already a lot on the Uni now that I have read about in the book, but it would be great to see that whole book in video lessons one day :-)
Kind regards,
I would like a short video on how to go from starting an untrained horse to accepting a rider to continued training in an outline format. I have watched most of the university videos and have a good idea and implemented many of the videos but I was just curious if there was a good loose start to finish of what should be worked on before a rider and what to continue with after.
I would like to see many more lessons like the "JOIN-UP WITH MONTY ROBERTS INSTRUCTORS" because one can learn a lot from their "mistakes" and how they and the horses deal with these mistakes.
Thank you,
Dear all, I´,m sorry to say our films on water and bathing is in swedish, yet! you have a few on the hastpedagog channel on youtube!
I´ll see what we can come up with on the nots and other topics on this thread!
Do keep up the good work!
Warmest CI Ann Lindberg
Cher Monsieur Roberts!
J'avais une jument particulière (enfin j'imagine? :), elle était toujours en chaleur lorsque j'était là (elle était en pension) et ensuite je ne pouvais même plus lui faire un pansage... Comme je suis une fille c'est plus facile de comprendre les entiers (mâles) et les hongres castrés tard mais une femelle ce n'est pas facile de trouver le problème??? En France on explique facilement le comportement d'un mâle, pour les femelles la réponse est : "donnez-lui des hormones... Merci beaucoup, Laurea.
Désolée pour la traduction ^^
Hi Laurea, j'espère que Paul voit votre post- il parle français et il peut sans doute vous aider!
(And no, I don't speak French, I use google lol).
I would LOVE to see some tips or the entire process of retraining OTT TB & STB to be riding horses. I think I might have suggested that before but I'm suggesting it again lol!
eternal_student, while we wait for Monty to get to that, there is a (Australian I believe) channel on YouTube called Evention TV where they broadcast vids with lots of training tips.
Among lots of things, they also have a three-part series on how to train your OTTB. (Second part came up today.) It's not Monty Roberts, but I still like the way they work with the horses; advocating taking time and staying relaxed and so on.
Here's the link to part 1 of training OTTB
Thanks, Kicki! That's awesome! :D
I'd like to suggest for a video on what to do if you have a horse who is barn sour and bolts back to the barn or spooks and bolts. What training can you do to help with these problems?
I second the suggestion for a lesson on how to deal with a dangerously barn/buddy sour horse geared toward the owner who cannot ride their horse to a neighbors farm and leave them there as suggested in Monty's book!
I also would LOVE lessons on preparing horses for the farrier, since...no hoof, no horse.